Saturday, May 10, 2014

On Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there! Yeah.. at least for me, now that I am a mom, it makes sense to me on why my mom did what she did when I was young. And how only when I'm a mom myself, that I appreciate the things she did to me. THANK YOU mommy! For all the training to toughen me up and always lend an ear to me. I truly appreciate them.

And to my children, THANK YOU  for making my motherhood an experience I would never trade for anything else in the world. You guys made all events, sweet or bittersweet, a memorable one. I know that all of you have a long way to go. Truly, I am excited on what awaits all of you.. and I hope I will be able to be there for you throughout all the chapters of your lives

And definitely to Allah the All Mighty. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. For Your grace, for every single thing that happened to me. I always look back and I know that You are the Best Planner for my life. You gave me only challenges that I can handle. And You always give me chances. I remember yesterday I prayed for a place in the best Heaven. And You tested me, right after I said Amin.. I failed.. and I realized again that it was a test to Heaven. Heaven is Expensive. And I prayed again - please give me another chance to get more good points in my book, so that I can go to the best Heaven.. More tests came, a chance to be patient to my son who took his sweet time to get ready for school, a chance to give a lift to an uncle who lives in my neighborhood, a chance to give more money to a stranger who looked like a traveler. oh dear, either I failed to realize that those were tests, or I could have done better from those tests. It was an eventful day, yesterday. But ya Allah, please still see me, my family, my friends and everyone in this world as Your faithful servants and allow us to enter the best Heaven, Syurga Firdaus.

My oh my.. it sure is a long post already. I have been so emotional these few days.

OK. Back to business.. you know we started on Mama Chak's Online on 1st May, right? We were busy designing the logo, understanding the look and feel of the website, how to add products, create coupons, etc etc etc.. So, we failed to realize that Mother's Day falls this week! Until my friend, one of the author of Kapsul Nurani asked about the Happy Basket for Mother's Day! (Yes, you can get Kapsul Nurani from too!)

Happy Basket was designed for newborns, as the main content of the basket is the MOM MORE MILK Lactation Cookies. The Sudzy shower and bath gel, and Organo Coffee are just the guest stars to the basket.

But, since Kamarul mentioned it, I was like - hey, why not?! I already have the product! The star of Mother's Day Happy Basket is Rynz Skin Care. So, yesterday, I went to look for ideas at my local mall. Bought some roses, and some small flowers. It HAS to be purple. Rynz packaging is purple! It was quite a day yesterday, along with my challenges.. Bought some more baskets and boxes. Just to give you some options.

I managed to start working on the arrangement for the Mother's Day Happy Basket only at 10:40pm!
I know I would not make it in time for Mother's Day tomorrow, so I decided to declare that at Mama Chak's Online, we celebrate Mother's Day everyday in the month of May! woot! woot! How about that huh?

So, yes! You can purchase this Happy Baskets for Mother's Day at special price only in the month of May!
and I shall add the item in Mama Chak's Online now! (yeah.. my MIL arrived this morning.. so I was focused on scrubing and cleaning today, that I forgot to add the item! ;-p)
This is HM1. With that said, it means there's HM2, HM3 and HM4.. Only in May! So, wait no more!

Mama Chak's Online is happy to announce that we are celebrating Mother's Day throughout the month of May with this Happy Baskets specially designed for moms.
The code is HM1 (meaning that HM2 and HM3 are on the way.. yeay!).

Get this at only RM250.
Consists of Rynz Trial Pack and Rynz Serum.

Only in May!
(normal price is RM 280)


Till then people.
Lots and lots of love, hugs and kisses,

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

If it is to be, it is up to me

Copy paste from my Facebook. I updated my status there and sekali terpanjang, and hey can do a blog post juga ni! hehehew..

Pernah tak dengar ini:
Dia boleh la.. Bapak dia kaya!
or.. "Bila la husband I nak kaya?"
or .. " hmm.. Husband I tak cukup kaya lagi"
Seriously, boleh tak jangan sebut macam ni...? Sounds like kufur nikmat gitu.. Be careful of what comes out from our mouth.. eventhough 'niat' kita hanyalah bergurau.
Saya berpegang teguh kepada - if it is to be, it is up to me!
dan.. “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib suatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri yang mengubah apa apa yang pada diri mereka ” (Surah Ar-Rad:11)
So, let's turn it around. If you don't like what you are doing right now, CHANGE!.
For instance, you've been working 5 days a week and come home late for many years already and not get the results that you want, and you are not at all happy.. CHANGE!
I know some of you HATE multi level marketing.. But seriously, this is the cheapest way to get extra income, Tak perlu nak melabur beribu2 RM. And they have a team who can teach you how to sell, how to prospect, how to start a conversation. Ya Allah, sangat mudah! Tak perlu nak pergi beli barang mentah, hasilkan produk, A lot of work you know, the traditional way... (been there, done that!)
Change your mindset on how you see MLM. See the team behind it. If you are not interested at all with the fancy cars that they are driving, it's OK. You don't have to buy a fancy car.. Know that, they are able to send their parents for haj, pay for their children's private tuition fee if they don't believe in our education system, be debt free. I have seen many of my friends living their dream and I am very proud of their achievement, and they are humble at the same time.
And if MLM is still not your cup of tea, become a Takaful agent. I ada ramai kawan yang buat Takaful. I can recommend them to show you how it works. Seriously if my tok laki is not in this industry, awal2 I dah sign up to become a takaful agent.
And no, none of my friends are paying me to say this.. kui kui kui.. (or maybe I should ask them to pay me?!.. ahaks!)
So, change the way we speak. Change the way we think. Be open to business opportunities. Sesungguhnya, berniaga itu sunnah nabi s.a.w.
Terpanjang lah pulak.. Dah! I nak pi tengok kedai I doesn't have a support team. Just me! If it is to be, it is up to me!
oh! How can la I forget this! You can also sell Rynz!! Mak lupa! Ask me how!
See.. plenty of choices..

Monday, May 5, 2014

Shipping Fee settled!

Well, I hope so.. Luckily tak banyak product lagi yang saya letak. So, I managed to sort out the shipping fee and standardize them for all my products.

I love .. Banyak benda programmer dia fikir.

I was a Systems Analyst for 10 years and quit 7 years ago.. So, updating and 'a little' bit of coding and testing sure brings back memories.

OK. It's getting late already.. Phew.. Kalah Cinderella ni.. I doubt it's the OG Supreme intake I took this morning keeps me going this long. Ni mesti Jamu si Hazel nih.. I like..!

My laptop pun ada tenaga lagi 10% sahaja.

Hopefully get to settle the FB Page yang masih togel esok.

Till then people..
Baca 3Qul sebelum tidur ya.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

No turning back..

Assalamualaikum and Hello!
Racing against time here.. hewhewhew... Saya tak nak lah tunjuk kat Tok Laki saya bahawa saya sangat workaholic.. Saya temankan dia tengok bola ni.

I just wanna share this news.. Yesterday, after duk contemplating and thinking and still thinking and berangan, sambil sembang with Nurin, I signed up with!!!

me: macam mana ni Nurin? Tak cakap dgn Baba pun..
Nurin gave me an excited grin.

me: Fine! I'm gonna sign up for the Premium account. and you guys are giving me this as a Mother's Day present! yay!

So, yeah! We signed up with, an e-commerce website yang sangat mudah.
Yesterday, Nurin designed my banner. We played around with add to cart, check out and pay.

It's so simple, and I tell you, this is the cheapest in town! and it is so awesome!
OK. I might be exaggerating a bit here. Mainly because I am truly excited. Tak tidoq pun tak pa macam ni.

And yes, I dah kena sound tadi..

Tok Laki: You need to set up a business hours.
Me: Yeah, I know. Awal2 lagi macam ni lah, baru nak masukkan product bagai. Stuck kat shipping fee lah pulak.. but, yes once I've settled this, I think should be fine.

So, I am in the midst of reading about the shipping fee and then teringat nak update my blog.

Oh no! Look at the time.. Good night everyone! Have a pleasant dream..
I will definitely dream of this.. So, you guys check it out ya. Jangan order lagi. Kot2 lah I tertinggal apa2 info. :-))

*gonna go do some laundry first before calling it a night!


Thursday, May 1, 2014


Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone!
I've been contemplating on how to effectively do this with zero cost if possible. That is, show you what I have for sale, of course! Advertise them and make money, Inshaa Allah. Hew hew hew!

Anyway, since I've not been baking, I just feel the need to do something more than just the normal household chores and chauffeuring duties. That's just me. And I thank the Almighty, cos as soon as I was forced to stop baking, I was approached by many kind souls with many business opportunities. I came from an IT background, so terms like reseller and dropship are pretty new to me. 

Well, my wish list for now is to have something like Add To Cart feature. In a blog.. where it's free.. hehehe.. I know it can be done if I have my own website, kan? Just too bad that I didn't major in web design before. Heh..and I have to pay for the web design and subscription, which I don't think I'm ready yet. Oh well, let me start with this one first, and we see how it goes yah.. Will post my products soon! Till then everyone!