Saturday, May 3, 2014

No turning back..

Assalamualaikum and Hello!
Racing against time here.. hewhewhew... Saya tak nak lah tunjuk kat Tok Laki saya bahawa saya sangat workaholic.. Saya temankan dia tengok bola ni.

I just wanna share this news.. Yesterday, after duk contemplating and thinking and still thinking and berangan, sambil sembang with Nurin, I signed up with!!!

me: macam mana ni Nurin? Tak cakap dgn Baba pun..
Nurin gave me an excited grin.

me: Fine! I'm gonna sign up for the Premium account. and you guys are giving me this as a Mother's Day present! yay!

So, yeah! We signed up with, an e-commerce website yang sangat mudah.
Yesterday, Nurin designed my banner. We played around with add to cart, check out and pay.

It's so simple, and I tell you, this is the cheapest in town! and it is so awesome!
OK. I might be exaggerating a bit here. Mainly because I am truly excited. Tak tidoq pun tak pa macam ni.

And yes, I dah kena sound tadi..

Tok Laki: You need to set up a business hours.
Me: Yeah, I know. Awal2 lagi macam ni lah, baru nak masukkan product bagai. Stuck kat shipping fee lah pulak.. but, yes once I've settled this, I think should be fine.

So, I am in the midst of reading about the shipping fee and then teringat nak update my blog.

Oh no! Look at the time.. Good night everyone! Have a pleasant dream..
I will definitely dream of this.. So, you guys check it out ya. Jangan order lagi. Kot2 lah I tertinggal apa2 info. :-))

*gonna go do some laundry first before calling it a night!


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