Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Then comes Ramadhan, and Raya

Alhamdullillah, a lot had happened after my last post on Mother's Day that I didn't have the time to blog about it.
Ramadhan brought in a lot more impromptu projects. Unplanned.
Before I knew it I have added Sambal Hijau Sodappp, Acar Ikan Masin and the scrumptious cookies from the Cookie Cutter range into my online store.
It was a spur of the moment thing. All due to the Ramadhan Basket project, and then the Raya Basket. Both Basket Projects requires a totally different post altogether.

It was surely an interesting Ramadhan. A blessed one, definitely! A month where business decision had to be made to catch the wave. Seriously, the Sambal Hijau Sodappp and Acar Ikan Masin are best selling items during Ramadhan. Those are best eaten during Sahur. What I learnt last Ramadhan, always find ways to make a bigger profit margin for the same amount of work you put in, Then, it would be worth doing. Now, which entice you more? RM1 profit margin? RM4 profit margin?

What I also learnt is to share. For a person like me, who don't really have that much of capital, find friends who also would like to make some side income. Someone you can work easily. Someone trustworthy. Someone who is happy with just RM2, contoh je. (merasa cukup dengan sedikit, merasa syukur dengan banyak). As for the Sambal Hijau Sodappp, there were 3 of us sharing the business. I love this idea. Tak tension sangat tengok stok berlambak2. And kalau stok kita habis, we can always call up each other. Work together. But the main key for partnership, tak boleh cemburu. Tak boleh hasad. Kena ada win win instilled in ourselves, in each other. Baru boleh maju.

Last Ramadhan was indeed a month of learning. It was my first venture into the cookies business not as a baker, but as a marketing person. I don't bake cookies, btw. :-p

I knew very well that Intan's cookies, The Cookie Cutter are super delicious. But selling cookies online? People would want to taste them first. Most people! Some people would just trust your taste buds!

Since there were quite a few requests for tasters, I thought it was a brilliant idea to put all my favorite cookies in one jar and sell the tasters! Call it Assorted Cookies. And boy was I wrong!

I received feedback from an honest friend, saying that all the cookies tasted the same!
I thought it was a one off case until I had a conversation with my cousin, she brought up the matter of the cookies affecting each other's taste when mixed in one container.  But, not until another friend who confirmed this theory. She was a Cookie Cutter customer before she bought the Assorted Cookies, and she mentioned the same; that by me mixing the cookies, I have somehow affected the taste of all the cookies. All I wanted to do then was cry!

Not because I didn't make sale for that one friend. But because I ruined the taste! I had to take time and explain to the people who bought the assorted cookies, because it was TOTALLY MY FAULT! I had to apologise to Intan too for making her cookies tasted as if they came from the same dough, when each of her cookies were painstakingly made from scratch with their very own recipe and measurement. Haiyah! Newbie mistake!

And no, I didn't make any sale from all the people who bought the Assorted Cookies. Just a few. But, I made quite a big sale for the Cookie Cutter. Of course to those who just trusted my taste buds. When all items delivered, I told Intan that her team would need to start churning cookies earlier than usual next Ramadhan, cos now there is ME in the picture.. Tee hee hee, Inshaa Allah, kalau panjang umur, that is.

Oh! I've collected some feedback recently on the cookies, asking which flavor they like most, and any comments on the cookies. Ice Nestum is a number one favorite! It's my favorite too!

Though I came to a conclusion that cookies, like other food, the taste is subjective. But from the feedback that I gather, there is no doubt at all, that I shall still maintain The Cookie Cutter as Mama Chak's Online cookies supplier.

By the way, The Cookie Cutter operates all year round. They are up to cater for any events that requires cookies. :-) and also for wedding favors too. And Yes, you can purchase them online, via www.mamachaksonline.lot.my . We have been accepting orders for cookies even after Raya. :-)

It was indeed a blessed Ramadhan, With just 4 hours of sleep and no naps in between, I am still surprised I could do what I did last Ramadhan. I had to thank my tok laki for that too, cos I didn't cook a single dish last Ramadhan. Everything was bought from the bazaar, and alhamdulillah every dish was delicious and none of us got stomach ache or food poisoning. Alhamdulillah.

And I learn one thing from an ustaz... kalau terasa nak puji diri, in the sense of amazed with self, baca ini:

Sesungguhnya, semua ni Allah yang beri; kekuatan, kebijaksanaan.. Dan Allah lah yang berkuasa ke atas segala sesuatu. :-)

Till my next post.. Inshaa Allah. Doakan ya.


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