Sunday, November 16, 2014

What is HYDROQUINONE? Really..?

It has been a while. I know. Rest assured, I always think of my blog everyday. And I wish, oh how I can just translate my voice into words. Is there even an application for that? Nak duduk tulis tu yang tak dan..

Anyways... last week I attended Seminar Pemasaran Online with owner of Hani Fitri Collection, also my best friend, Ani. After the 1 day course, we left the hall feeling hyped, and later confused. We are now at the stage of 'Trial and Adjust' in implementing what we learnt. Inshaa Allah.

One thing we learnt is Copywriting. An alien term for a newbie me. So, now, I am doing 'Copywriting' for Rynz. In the process, I found a lot of valuable information that, to fit in one Copywriting, would be impossible.
So, yes. I am documenting it here. For easy reference. Chewah! So, TTYS!


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Hydroquinone adalah sejenis bahan kimia yang boleh didapati di dalam kosmetik. Penggunaan hydroquione adalah untuk membunuh ‘melanocytes’, sejenis sel yang bertindak menghasilkan melanin. Untuk itu kulit akan kelihatan cerah dan semakin putih. 

Sebenarnya bahan hydroquione digunakan untuk proses mencuci gambar. Malangnya pada hari ini ia dicampurkan secara meluas dalam pelbagai jenama kosmetik sebagai agen pemutih kulit yang menyebabkan kulit semakin nipis dan mengelupas. Sebenarnya hydroquinone adalah sangat merbahaya dan merupakan bahan kimia yang sangat kuat, ia juga digunakan dalam proses ‘foto-herbicides’, pemprosesan getah dan pemprosesan ‘hair dye’.

Mengikut sumber Pusat Racun Negara, syarikat kosmetik hanya dibenarkan menggunakan hydroquinone 2% sahaja. Untuk hydroquinone 4%, ia boleh digunakan dengan arahan atau preskripsi daripada doktor. Pakar kecantikan juga tidak dibenarkan menggunakan hydroquinone 4%.

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Pada kebiasaanya ia disapu pada kulit 2 kali sehari iaitu pada waktu pagi dan sebelum tidur. Ia tidak boleh digunakan berhampiran mulut atau mata. Ia juga tidak boleh digunakan pada kesan terbakar cahaya matahari (sun burn) ataupun di tempat luka.

Kesan perubahan boleh dilihat di dalam masa 4 - 6 minggu. Ketika menggunakan hydroquinone, kulit akan menjadi sensitif dan cahaya matahari hendaklah dielakkan.
Kesan pencerahan hydroquinone bertahan hanya selama 4 - 6 bulan dan tidak berkekalan. Oleh itu, penggunaan krim haruslah berterusan. Sekiranya tiada kesan selepas 3 bulan, aplikasi hydroquinone perlu diberhentikan.

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Pada tahun 2006, FDA (Food and Drug Association) di Amerika telah mencadangkan untuk mengharamkan penjualan hydroquinone 2% kepada orang ramai tanpa kebenaran doktor. Ini bermakna hanya doktor sahaja yang boleh meluluskan penggunaan hydroquinone walaupun dengan kekuatan 2%. 

Walaupun ia masih di dalam cadangan, tetapi ini menunjukkan bahan ini boleh mendatangkan bahaya dan tidak sesuai dijual tanpa preskripsi. Jika digunakan sedikit, antara kesan sampingannya ialah kesan terbakar dan merah pada tempat yang disapu. Adakalanya kulit tersebut menjadi lebih gelap dari sebelumnya. Ia lama kelamaan berkurangan. Kesan allergi kepada hydroquinone juga telah dilihat kepada si pemakai. Allergic contact dermatitis adalah alahan kulit apabila terkena ubat ini. (lihat gambar di atas). 

Ochronosis adalah satu penyakit kulit yang jarang-jarang berlaku ketika menggunakan hydroquinone. Ia menyebabkan kulit menjadi tebal dan hitam di tempat kulit terdedah kepada bahan itu. Ia biasanya berlaku kepada orang kulit hitam.

Walaupun tiada data yang lengkap kepada manusia, eksperimen kepada binatang menunjukkan kaitan di antara hydroquinone dengan kanser kulit. Ada juga hypothesis (belum dibuktikan) yang mengaitkan bahan ini dengan kanser leukemia. Ini adalah kerana hydroquinone adalah hasil metabolite daripada penguraian benzene, sejenis penyebab kanser.

Penggunaan hydroquinone oleh ibu mengandung dan yang sedang menyusu harus dielakkan kerana tidak ada kajian khusus telah dijalankan. 

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- Penghitaman kawasan kulit, terutama jika terdedah kepada cahaya matahari atau cahaya UV tiruan.
- Kawasan kulit boleh terluka, terbakar, kering dan gatal sebelum kimia racun itu menyerap lebih jauh ke dalam muka.
- Turut menyebabkan kesan sampingan maut lain iaitu sesak nafas, serangan lelah, bengkak bibir, muka dan lidah serta ruam.
- Jika terkena mata, ia turut boleh menyebabkan kesan terbakar pada mata dan menjejaskan penglihatan. Penggunaan untuk jangka masa panjang boleh menyebabkan kulit menjadi hitam.
- Jika tidak digunakan selama beberapa hari kulit akan menjadi hitam dan bertompok.
- Ia juga boleh menghalang proses pigmentasi di mana, proses ini mengurangkan perlindungan ke atas kulit daripada pancaran ultara ungu dan sinaran matahari berlebihan yang berpotensi mendapat kanser

Thursday, October 9, 2014

When it comes to Happy Basket.. Ramadhan Baskets and Raya Baskets

There is no doubt, the thing I love to do most, is anything to do with my 2 hands. From baking to dressing up stuffs. Remember the Assorted Cookies from the previous entry? I didn't actually add in the cost of ribbons and doilies simply because, I just love dressing them up and make them look pretty.

When I started the Ramadhan Basket, I asked a few of my business friends about their budget when spending on gift baskets. This is to roughly figure out what kind of gift baskets I should come up with. I don't want to make it too expensive, or even too cheap. In my opinion, when you own a business, the gift that you give also has to reflect you and your business.

However, the answers I received were, "Let me see what you have first.", "Would love to see your range" and other answers along that line. Fair enough. But, honestly, it didn't really help.. hehehe.

So, I came up with a few designs, at all times, be in their shoes. They would want to appreciate their staffs, their customers, their agents, their vendors, etc, right? (or even woo their MIL-to-be. :-p). They definitely want to give something nice! Tasty and worth their money.

In all my gift baskets, I ensure that the gifts are worth giving. Avoid cheap stuffs, lack of quality, and definitely don't disguise the gift in a bigger container. Never lie. No! No!
But, the ultimate question I always ask myself is : "If I were to receive this, would I like it?".. usually it sounds like this "kalau dapat ni, suka tak?"

If I like it, then it is a Go! 
As you can see, most of my designs are simple and sweet. I don't like it too extravaganza. I hold to the concept: Less is more. 

But sometimes, I do get carried away. So, I identified friends that can give me honest opinion. She has to be someone like me in terms of taste. Less is more. And I'm glad I found Zie and Anis (who also designed my business cards). We love doilies and we love polkadots. hahahaha! That's the criterion to be my advisers! Both of them took the time to entertain my questions and gave honest feedback, especially on the placing of lace and ribbon, placing of products in basket, and a lot more. I am truly blessed to have re-connected with them. 

So, I came up with these range for the Ramadhan Baskets. 
I tell you.. ! Only at Mama Chak's Online that you get to see serunding wrapped in organza! How 'bout that, huh? I want to be different. So, I also added the cage in product range. Haha! But no one ordered the cage! To my relieve, actually! Cos, Kaison ran out of cages.

That's why it was a busy Ramadhan.. I love the assembling bit, especially when all the products are in... Such a lovely sight.. And it also means, Let's Get Busy!

Above is the assembly line before they are dressed up. And below is the assembly line when the products are arranged, no ribbon yet.

I have to thank Zuriati for giving me the opportunity to do this.

I also came up with small gifts like these, for people to appreciate their colleagues, subordinates, customers...:

Alhamdulillah, I managed to secure orders for these small gifts, that CM2 suddenly became the Best Seller on (it still is!). The CM2 sale was somehow the reason Amalina, a PhD student called me up for an interview. When I asked her why me? She said, "It seems like Mama Chak's Online kept appearing on the statistic in".. tee hee hee. Alhamdulillah. And I also believe that, due to this sale, a PayPal representative called me up asking if I want to put PayPal as an option on my website...(which I am yet to get back to her wrt this).

This is Amalina & I. Though it was a hectic Ramadhan, I'm happy that I kept my promise to meet up with her. I believe that: jika kita memudahkan urusan sesorang itu, Allah akan memudahkan urusan kita. So, yes :-) . I believe she is back in Australia now to complete her PhD.

Now, from the Ramadhan Basket range, more and more people see what I could do. Friends helped and gave me the opportunity to experiment and to come up with different designs for Raya according to their budget.
It is usually the friends that help me most, when I'm slowly spreading my wings. That's always the case. Even from Mama Chak's Recipe days, it has always been like that. Alhamdulillah. I feel loved.*ok.. emo kejap*

Now, when it comes to giving stuffs, this is usually the way I do it:
  1. Work according to budget
  2. Ensure that the containers are easy to open. Don't make it difficult for the recipients. 
  3. The containers and baskets can be reusable by the recipients. eg: they can reuse the basket to put books or magazines later on. The metal container can be used to put stationary, just an example.
  4. Unless specified, ribbon has to be of neutral color (beige, white), to match where the recipient might put the basket later on, at the corner of their living room, in their office.
  5. Do away with glue guns when possible. Avoid it at all cost.
  6. The products have to be tasty and of high quality. 
  7. Jangan kedekut!
  8. And of course, for the overall look - Less is More! No need to be extravagant. This is not a hantaran. Too many flowers and beads can also make the product look cheap.
Why am I like this?  Because, my father has been receiving a lot of gifts throughout the years. Most of his gifts are worth between RM1-5K, I guess.. The ones in classy and beautiful containers usually also contain scrumptious cookies, but they gave like 4-6 pcs only. The ones that gave quite a lot of cookies usually don't taste that nice. It's like they bought them off from the supermarket or something, like RM7 for 50pcs. And sometimes, they want to ensure that the items in the basket don't move, they glue the items together and, not only it is difficult for us to take them out, but the glue spoils the container. Ugly!

So, the above was my guideline. My very own SOP. I believe I have a great product to put in. The Cookie Cutter is definitely tasty! The Serunding Daging from Kelantan and Balashan (a Burmese appetiser) pun sedap. And the serunding I put in the basket is 250g! That's heavy, OK! Cos, I saw the serunding my dad received from the recent Raya, roughly around 50-100g only.

I have also made an announcement in my FB, calling all friends who are in the muruku business, or kerepek business. If they are not making them, they are selling them? I want to help put their product in my basket. After all, Mama Chak's Online is a business of friends helping friends. Ye dok? Win-win.. and sharing is also part of Mama Chak's Online objective.

I made some options for the Raya Basket. Priced at RM100.

Later a friend asked if she can have a basket worth RM250.

I also cater for the RM65.

the content: 

Then another friend asked if she can have a basket worth RM300 and RM500.
It was already the last week of Ramadhan. At that very moment, how I wished that Kaison was just at my basement!

However, I loved it that they gave me a budget, and told me how they like the basket to be.. It made it easy for me to work. Then, I could find something worth putting in the basket, like this cupcake stand from Lovely Lace, which I stumbled upon, on my way to Kaison! I love the fact that it matched my round container! Yess!!

And, these are pictures of the end product. A basket full of gifts. No styrofoam, or newspaper or shredded paper to make it look full.. Just gifts!


So, yes! It was indeed one exciting, heart racing experience, last Raya. I am looking for more Happy Baskets to do. Inshaa Allah. I am truly blessed and happy with my own product. I am forever grateful for wonderful friends, you know who you are. :-*.  Till we meet again tools.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Then comes Ramadhan, and Raya

Alhamdullillah, a lot had happened after my last post on Mother's Day that I didn't have the time to blog about it.
Ramadhan brought in a lot more impromptu projects. Unplanned.
Before I knew it I have added Sambal Hijau Sodappp, Acar Ikan Masin and the scrumptious cookies from the Cookie Cutter range into my online store.
It was a spur of the moment thing. All due to the Ramadhan Basket project, and then the Raya Basket. Both Basket Projects requires a totally different post altogether.

It was surely an interesting Ramadhan. A blessed one, definitely! A month where business decision had to be made to catch the wave. Seriously, the Sambal Hijau Sodappp and Acar Ikan Masin are best selling items during Ramadhan. Those are best eaten during Sahur. What I learnt last Ramadhan, always find ways to make a bigger profit margin for the same amount of work you put in, Then, it would be worth doing. Now, which entice you more? RM1 profit margin? RM4 profit margin?

What I also learnt is to share. For a person like me, who don't really have that much of capital, find friends who also would like to make some side income. Someone you can work easily. Someone trustworthy. Someone who is happy with just RM2, contoh je. (merasa cukup dengan sedikit, merasa syukur dengan banyak). As for the Sambal Hijau Sodappp, there were 3 of us sharing the business. I love this idea. Tak tension sangat tengok stok berlambak2. And kalau stok kita habis, we can always call up each other. Work together. But the main key for partnership, tak boleh cemburu. Tak boleh hasad. Kena ada win win instilled in ourselves, in each other. Baru boleh maju.

Last Ramadhan was indeed a month of learning. It was my first venture into the cookies business not as a baker, but as a marketing person. I don't bake cookies, btw. :-p

I knew very well that Intan's cookies, The Cookie Cutter are super delicious. But selling cookies online? People would want to taste them first. Most people! Some people would just trust your taste buds!

Since there were quite a few requests for tasters, I thought it was a brilliant idea to put all my favorite cookies in one jar and sell the tasters! Call it Assorted Cookies. And boy was I wrong!

I received feedback from an honest friend, saying that all the cookies tasted the same!
I thought it was a one off case until I had a conversation with my cousin, she brought up the matter of the cookies affecting each other's taste when mixed in one container.  But, not until another friend who confirmed this theory. She was a Cookie Cutter customer before she bought the Assorted Cookies, and she mentioned the same; that by me mixing the cookies, I have somehow affected the taste of all the cookies. All I wanted to do then was cry!

Not because I didn't make sale for that one friend. But because I ruined the taste! I had to take time and explain to the people who bought the assorted cookies, because it was TOTALLY MY FAULT! I had to apologise to Intan too for making her cookies tasted as if they came from the same dough, when each of her cookies were painstakingly made from scratch with their very own recipe and measurement. Haiyah! Newbie mistake!

And no, I didn't make any sale from all the people who bought the Assorted Cookies. Just a few. But, I made quite a big sale for the Cookie Cutter. Of course to those who just trusted my taste buds. When all items delivered, I told Intan that her team would need to start churning cookies earlier than usual next Ramadhan, cos now there is ME in the picture.. Tee hee hee, Inshaa Allah, kalau panjang umur, that is.

Oh! I've collected some feedback recently on the cookies, asking which flavor they like most, and any comments on the cookies. Ice Nestum is a number one favorite! It's my favorite too!

Though I came to a conclusion that cookies, like other food, the taste is subjective. But from the feedback that I gather, there is no doubt at all, that I shall still maintain The Cookie Cutter as Mama Chak's Online cookies supplier.

By the way, The Cookie Cutter operates all year round. They are up to cater for any events that requires cookies. :-) and also for wedding favors too. And Yes, you can purchase them online, via . We have been accepting orders for cookies even after Raya. :-)

It was indeed a blessed Ramadhan, With just 4 hours of sleep and no naps in between, I am still surprised I could do what I did last Ramadhan. I had to thank my tok laki for that too, cos I didn't cook a single dish last Ramadhan. Everything was bought from the bazaar, and alhamdulillah every dish was delicious and none of us got stomach ache or food poisoning. Alhamdulillah.

And I learn one thing from an ustaz... kalau terasa nak puji diri, in the sense of amazed with self, baca ini:

Sesungguhnya, semua ni Allah yang beri; kekuatan, kebijaksanaan.. Dan Allah lah yang berkuasa ke atas segala sesuatu. :-)

Till my next post.. Inshaa Allah. Doakan ya.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

On Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there! Yeah.. at least for me, now that I am a mom, it makes sense to me on why my mom did what she did when I was young. And how only when I'm a mom myself, that I appreciate the things she did to me. THANK YOU mommy! For all the training to toughen me up and always lend an ear to me. I truly appreciate them.

And to my children, THANK YOU  for making my motherhood an experience I would never trade for anything else in the world. You guys made all events, sweet or bittersweet, a memorable one. I know that all of you have a long way to go. Truly, I am excited on what awaits all of you.. and I hope I will be able to be there for you throughout all the chapters of your lives

And definitely to Allah the All Mighty. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. For Your grace, for every single thing that happened to me. I always look back and I know that You are the Best Planner for my life. You gave me only challenges that I can handle. And You always give me chances. I remember yesterday I prayed for a place in the best Heaven. And You tested me, right after I said Amin.. I failed.. and I realized again that it was a test to Heaven. Heaven is Expensive. And I prayed again - please give me another chance to get more good points in my book, so that I can go to the best Heaven.. More tests came, a chance to be patient to my son who took his sweet time to get ready for school, a chance to give a lift to an uncle who lives in my neighborhood, a chance to give more money to a stranger who looked like a traveler. oh dear, either I failed to realize that those were tests, or I could have done better from those tests. It was an eventful day, yesterday. But ya Allah, please still see me, my family, my friends and everyone in this world as Your faithful servants and allow us to enter the best Heaven, Syurga Firdaus.

My oh my.. it sure is a long post already. I have been so emotional these few days.

OK. Back to business.. you know we started on Mama Chak's Online on 1st May, right? We were busy designing the logo, understanding the look and feel of the website, how to add products, create coupons, etc etc etc.. So, we failed to realize that Mother's Day falls this week! Until my friend, one of the author of Kapsul Nurani asked about the Happy Basket for Mother's Day! (Yes, you can get Kapsul Nurani from too!)

Happy Basket was designed for newborns, as the main content of the basket is the MOM MORE MILK Lactation Cookies. The Sudzy shower and bath gel, and Organo Coffee are just the guest stars to the basket.

But, since Kamarul mentioned it, I was like - hey, why not?! I already have the product! The star of Mother's Day Happy Basket is Rynz Skin Care. So, yesterday, I went to look for ideas at my local mall. Bought some roses, and some small flowers. It HAS to be purple. Rynz packaging is purple! It was quite a day yesterday, along with my challenges.. Bought some more baskets and boxes. Just to give you some options.

I managed to start working on the arrangement for the Mother's Day Happy Basket only at 10:40pm!
I know I would not make it in time for Mother's Day tomorrow, so I decided to declare that at Mama Chak's Online, we celebrate Mother's Day everyday in the month of May! woot! woot! How about that huh?

So, yes! You can purchase this Happy Baskets for Mother's Day at special price only in the month of May!
and I shall add the item in Mama Chak's Online now! (yeah.. my MIL arrived this morning.. so I was focused on scrubing and cleaning today, that I forgot to add the item! ;-p)
This is HM1. With that said, it means there's HM2, HM3 and HM4.. Only in May! So, wait no more!

Mama Chak's Online is happy to announce that we are celebrating Mother's Day throughout the month of May with this Happy Baskets specially designed for moms.
The code is HM1 (meaning that HM2 and HM3 are on the way.. yeay!).

Get this at only RM250.
Consists of Rynz Trial Pack and Rynz Serum.

Only in May!
(normal price is RM 280)


Till then people.
Lots and lots of love, hugs and kisses,

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

If it is to be, it is up to me

Copy paste from my Facebook. I updated my status there and sekali terpanjang, and hey can do a blog post juga ni! hehehew..

Pernah tak dengar ini:
Dia boleh la.. Bapak dia kaya!
or.. "Bila la husband I nak kaya?"
or .. " hmm.. Husband I tak cukup kaya lagi"
Seriously, boleh tak jangan sebut macam ni...? Sounds like kufur nikmat gitu.. Be careful of what comes out from our mouth.. eventhough 'niat' kita hanyalah bergurau.
Saya berpegang teguh kepada - if it is to be, it is up to me!
dan.. “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib suatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri yang mengubah apa apa yang pada diri mereka ” (Surah Ar-Rad:11)
So, let's turn it around. If you don't like what you are doing right now, CHANGE!.
For instance, you've been working 5 days a week and come home late for many years already and not get the results that you want, and you are not at all happy.. CHANGE!
I know some of you HATE multi level marketing.. But seriously, this is the cheapest way to get extra income, Tak perlu nak melabur beribu2 RM. And they have a team who can teach you how to sell, how to prospect, how to start a conversation. Ya Allah, sangat mudah! Tak perlu nak pergi beli barang mentah, hasilkan produk, A lot of work you know, the traditional way... (been there, done that!)
Change your mindset on how you see MLM. See the team behind it. If you are not interested at all with the fancy cars that they are driving, it's OK. You don't have to buy a fancy car.. Know that, they are able to send their parents for haj, pay for their children's private tuition fee if they don't believe in our education system, be debt free. I have seen many of my friends living their dream and I am very proud of their achievement, and they are humble at the same time.
And if MLM is still not your cup of tea, become a Takaful agent. I ada ramai kawan yang buat Takaful. I can recommend them to show you how it works. Seriously if my tok laki is not in this industry, awal2 I dah sign up to become a takaful agent.
And no, none of my friends are paying me to say this.. kui kui kui.. (or maybe I should ask them to pay me?!.. ahaks!)
So, change the way we speak. Change the way we think. Be open to business opportunities. Sesungguhnya, berniaga itu sunnah nabi s.a.w.
Terpanjang lah pulak.. Dah! I nak pi tengok kedai I doesn't have a support team. Just me! If it is to be, it is up to me!
oh! How can la I forget this! You can also sell Rynz!! Mak lupa! Ask me how!
See.. plenty of choices..

Monday, May 5, 2014

Shipping Fee settled!

Well, I hope so.. Luckily tak banyak product lagi yang saya letak. So, I managed to sort out the shipping fee and standardize them for all my products.

I love .. Banyak benda programmer dia fikir.

I was a Systems Analyst for 10 years and quit 7 years ago.. So, updating and 'a little' bit of coding and testing sure brings back memories.

OK. It's getting late already.. Phew.. Kalah Cinderella ni.. I doubt it's the OG Supreme intake I took this morning keeps me going this long. Ni mesti Jamu si Hazel nih.. I like..!

My laptop pun ada tenaga lagi 10% sahaja.

Hopefully get to settle the FB Page yang masih togel esok.

Till then people..
Baca 3Qul sebelum tidur ya.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

No turning back..

Assalamualaikum and Hello!
Racing against time here.. hewhewhew... Saya tak nak lah tunjuk kat Tok Laki saya bahawa saya sangat workaholic.. Saya temankan dia tengok bola ni.

I just wanna share this news.. Yesterday, after duk contemplating and thinking and still thinking and berangan, sambil sembang with Nurin, I signed up with!!!

me: macam mana ni Nurin? Tak cakap dgn Baba pun..
Nurin gave me an excited grin.

me: Fine! I'm gonna sign up for the Premium account. and you guys are giving me this as a Mother's Day present! yay!

So, yeah! We signed up with, an e-commerce website yang sangat mudah.
Yesterday, Nurin designed my banner. We played around with add to cart, check out and pay.

It's so simple, and I tell you, this is the cheapest in town! and it is so awesome!
OK. I might be exaggerating a bit here. Mainly because I am truly excited. Tak tidoq pun tak pa macam ni.

And yes, I dah kena sound tadi..

Tok Laki: You need to set up a business hours.
Me: Yeah, I know. Awal2 lagi macam ni lah, baru nak masukkan product bagai. Stuck kat shipping fee lah pulak.. but, yes once I've settled this, I think should be fine.

So, I am in the midst of reading about the shipping fee and then teringat nak update my blog.

Oh no! Look at the time.. Good night everyone! Have a pleasant dream..
I will definitely dream of this.. So, you guys check it out ya. Jangan order lagi. Kot2 lah I tertinggal apa2 info. :-))

*gonna go do some laundry first before calling it a night!


Thursday, May 1, 2014


Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone!
I've been contemplating on how to effectively do this with zero cost if possible. That is, show you what I have for sale, of course! Advertise them and make money, Inshaa Allah. Hew hew hew!

Anyway, since I've not been baking, I just feel the need to do something more than just the normal household chores and chauffeuring duties. That's just me. And I thank the Almighty, cos as soon as I was forced to stop baking, I was approached by many kind souls with many business opportunities. I came from an IT background, so terms like reseller and dropship are pretty new to me. 

Well, my wish list for now is to have something like Add To Cart feature. In a blog.. where it's free.. hehehe.. I know it can be done if I have my own website, kan? Just too bad that I didn't major in web design before. Heh..and I have to pay for the web design and subscription, which I don't think I'm ready yet. Oh well, let me start with this one first, and we see how it goes yah.. Will post my products soon! Till then everyone!